Greetings Sunshine Family,

The Sunshine After School Program begins Thursday, August 15th. In this edition of the newsletter, you will find some helpful reminders to help your child's first day of school go more smoothly. Parents may view our roster here: Sunshine After School RosterPlease note that classroom arrangements are subject to change within the first few weeks of school in order to balance the ratio for each class. 

Classroom locations for students are as follows:

                                              Please review our current Tuition Rate Sheet for your reference.                                            

Thank you for staying updated with the Sunshine School Newsletter!

                                            After School Pick Up & Transportation Reminders

TK & Kindergarten Pick-Up
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten students from Ruskin Elementary will be picked up by Sunshine teachers directly at their classroom everyday at the appropriate time of dismissal. Parents, please inform your child's teacher that Sunshine will be responsible for picking up your child. 

First Graders
First graders from Ruskin Elementary will be picked up by a Sunshine Teacher directly at their classroom for the first two days of After School (Thursday, August 15th and Friday, August 16th). From Monday, August 19th and onward, first graders should go directly to Ruskin's Outdoor Lunch Area to meet their Sunshine class.

Second to Fifth Graders
Second to fifth graders from Ruskin Elementary should go directly to Ruskin's Outdoor Lunch Area to meet their Sunshine Class. Sunshine staff will be there to help direct students to their class tables. 

Sierramont Middle Schoolers
Middle school students from Sierramont Middle School will be picked up by a Sunshine Teacher everyday at the appropriate time of dismissal. Parents, please tell your children to meet the Sunshine Teacher in front of the school, across the street from the Sierramont Middle School sign.

  • Consent to Walk: Families may also fill out the Consent to Walk Form if you would like to give permission for your child to walk from Sierramont Middle School to the Sunshine After School Program on their own. 
    • Please note that Sunshine is only able to pick up students at their usual time of dismissal. If your child plans to participate in any extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, etc.), you MUST give consent for your child to walk to Sunshine on their own after their extracurriculars, or pick them up and drop them off at Sunshine yourself. Moreover, if your child has activities that require them to walk back to Sierramont after coming to Sunshine, you must also give consent to walk as well. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Transportations from Other Schools

  • For children who are using Sunshine transportation services, parents will need to call or email the Sunshine School Office with the following information by 10:00am on Thursday, August 15th - child's name, school, classroom, teacher, and time of dismissalYou may reach us at (408) 839-8366 or or Parents need to inform the schools and teachers that Sunshine will be responsible for picking up your child.
  • Please note that a Transportation Confirmation will be sent out later today with information regarding your child's driver and pick up schedule. Please reply to that email with further Transportation inquiries or updates about your child's teacher and classroom information.
  • Students being dropped off at Sunshine by parent/guardian:
    • 1st Graders and up: Parents/Guardians may enter through Gate 1 at Ruskin Elementary and walk their children to the Ruskin Lunch Tables (1401 Turlock Lane, 1st Graders and up)
    • TK & Kindergarten: Parents/Guardians should drop off students at the Turlock Office (1363 Turlock Lane).  

Sunshine Teachers will wear their yellow Sunshine t-shirt to pick-up students on the first day. This will make it easy for students to spot us. Please, inform your child who to look for! 

                                                      After School Program Reminders

Pick-up Procedures for Parents/Guardians
After School drop off and pick up times:

  • Drop off times will be 12:00pm - 1:00pm (Kindergarten) or 2:30pm - 3:00pm (1st Grade & up)
  • Our After School hours will run until 6:30pm everyday. Please remember to pick up your children on time.  
  • Turlock Campus Students (TK & Kindergarten): Please note that only staff and students are allowed in the facilities during After School hours. Families must wait at the Wooden Gates during pick-up time and ring the bell to notify us of your arrival. 
  • Ruskin Campus Students (1st Graders & up): Families with students in the Ruskin Classrooms may park at the small parking lot directly in front of the classrooms for your convenience and ring the bell at the gate to notify us of your arrival. Parents and guardians of 1st Graders & up may also text Sunshine's Ruskin Mobile at 408-839-3364 with your child's name and class five minutes before your arrival so that we can prepare and take your child to the gate.                       
    • Please us the Ruskin Campus Map to locate your child's classrom, parking lot, and entrance gates.       

and Sign-out Procedures:
Our teachers will be signing students in and out everyday. Please sign the Sign-in/Sign-out Authorization Form and bring it to Sunshine on your child's first day, or email the completed form to 

Sunshine families who have already submitted a form during the previous school year or Summer Program do not need to resubmit another form for the After School Program.          

August Tuition
August tuition is due by Thursday, August 15th. Parents may pay online through their Sunshine account or at the Sunshine office (1363 Turlock Lane).

Extracurricular Classes
Fall Extracurricular Classes will be available for sign up the week of August 19th. 


What should my child bring to Sunshine?

  • Bring SUNBLOCK (labeled with your child's name) everyday. 
  • CUP AND BOWL(S) (labeled with your child's name) for lunch and snack (lunch is provided for TK students only) everyday. Sunshine wants to go green! Help us in our efforts to become less wasteful!
  • In addition to these items, Kindergarten students will need to bring ONE CHANGE OF CLOTHES to be kept in their cubby at Sunshine.
  • For Middle School Students: Middle School students are required to bring their school textbooks to Sunshine everyday in order to do their school work. They are also able to leave their textbooks in the Sunshine classroom if they prefer. 

What if my child is absent?

  • Please inform the office (408) 839-8366) if your child will be absent from Sunshine or does not need to be picked up (if using our Transportation Services). 


Sunshine School
Preschool: (408) 272-0368
After School: (408) 839-8366

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